Arbury Road Surgery

114 Arbury Road, Cambridge, CB4 2JG

Telephone: 01223 364433

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Clinics & Services

Clinics provided by surgery staff and available to book through the reception team:

Routine Childhood Vaccination

Pre-bookable clinics available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

These vaccinations are very important; we have recently seen an increase in the confirmed cases of Measles and Mumps.

Children need 2 doses of Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine to be protected. These are given aged 1 year and 3 years 4 months.

Please check your child is up to date with the UK schedule.

Any questions relating to childhood vaccinations please contact the nursing team

Baby & Childhood Immunisations
  • Clinics are held in the morning at the surgery by nurses trained to undertake immunisations.
  • National Reminder letters are sent to parents to notify them what vaccinations are due and when.
  • Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment to ensure you are seen.
COPD / Asthma
  • Mary Twitchett (Nurse Practitioner) is our lead nurse for respiratory illness.
  • Urgent appointments are available on a daily basis with Mary.
  • If you are a known COPD patient you are also able to refer yourself to the local community COPD team.
  • Patients diagnosed with COPD / Asthma are required to have an annual review of their illness and any medications used, patients will be invited to attend these clinics.
  • Our diabetic team is made up form Nurses, GP’s, HCA’s and Community Nurse Specialists.
  • You will be sent an annual invite for your review (if clinically needed this will be more often) please do not book unless you have been sent an invite.
  • If you have any worries or concerns then book an appointment to discuss this with Michelle Tarff our Senior General Practice Nurse.
Family Planning
  • The Practice Nurses are available to give advice on contraception, family planning, coils and implanon fittings.
  • They are also able to offer screening for most common sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Our GP’s provide a Coil / Implanon fitting clinic – an appointment to discuss this is required beforehand.
Minor Surgery
  • Regular clinics are held by Dr Watson and Dr Karttunnen for the removal of moles and other skin lesions.
  • A routine appointment is required to assess the issue before you can be booked into these clinics.
Cytology (Smear Clinics)
  • You will have received an invite for your smear to book an appointment.
  • These appointments can be booked at any time with anyone on the National Smear Taker register, which means they are competent to carry out the procedure.
  • We are also able to book appointments at the weekends or evenings at our extended access clinic which is held at Nuffield Road Medical Centre.
  • Please do not fear your smear, come and talk to one of the nurses if you have questions or concerns.
NHS Health Checks
  • The surgery offers free NHS Health Checks to spot early signs of medical conditions and help prevent these happening to you, which means you’ll be more likely to enjoy life for longer.
  • To see if you are eligible for an appointment please contact our reception team.
Smoking Cessation
Travel Advice & Vaccinations
  • We are currently unable to provide this non NHS work of Travel Health advice, please go to a local travel clinic or review your trip at:
  • If you have been advised by a travel clinic to have an NHS vaccine we are able to do this with a written request of need from the clinic.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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